
About Happiness Conference

Happiness is Serious – From Insights to Action
Happiness is a serious issue. There is a growing body of science and research around happiness and well-being. This conference provides a platform for people to share the latest insights and inspire action.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure
The number of people with mental health conditions in Singapore has been on the rise. Despite accessible treatments and awareness campaigns, the trend remains worrying.

Forbes reported that mental health conditions cost US businesses between $80 and $100 billion annually. In the same article, they cited mental health training in the workplace can see a return of up to 10 times the money invested.

Happiness can be a set of learnable skills. This conference aims to help the audience develop insights on choices that promote happiness and well-being. We can be happier. So can our family, workplace, and community. Join this conference now.

We Sold Out

In March 2019, we organised the world’s first Happiness Film Festival. It was completely sold out, with more than 1,500 participants over the four-day event.

A Bigger Platfom

In 2020, we hope to build a bigger platform to engage a wider audience. The conference offers insights into happiness and the choices we can make to be happier.